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最近在網路上看到[104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩 覺得價格很實在 深得我心
以下是[104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
20150604LXL_SG-31網拍熱門產品On The Go
Samson's Go Mic Direct is the ideal portable audio solution for Skype, FaceTime, voice recognition software, as well as recording audio for YouTube, lectures, podcasts and webinars. The Go Mic Direct also features the Samson Sound Deck Noise Cancellation Software (Mac OS X/Windows), allowing you to capture pristine, accurate vocal communications and recordings in any environment. With Go Mic Direct, you'll never want to use your computer's internal microphone again.
Unique, Ultra-Compact Design
The Go Mic Direct's custom, ultra-compact design features a built-in USB connector that allows the mic to be plugged directly into your computer without blocking surrounding ports. In addition, the connector is retractable for maximum portability and safe transport when not in use.
Plug & Play
Compatible with both Mac OS X and Windows, Go Mic Direct offers convenient plug-and-play operation with no driver installation required. It also works with iPads and iPhones (4S and later) using Apple's Lightning USB Camera Adapter or Camera Connection Kit (30-pin), making it a great tool for mobile podcasting, popular speech-to-text software and field recording.
At the core of the Go Mic Direct is the Samson Sound Deck Noise Cancellation Software, available as a free download from Samson's website. Upon download, the software resides on your computer's taskbar and provides incredible features for online communication. Sound Deck uses Digital Noise Reduction algorithms to minimize recurring background noise from loud environments, ensuring only clean, natural sounding vocals are received by your family, friends or business associates. They'll feel as if you were in the room talking to them live.
Take It Anywhere
High-quality components, versatile features and pristine full-range audio have made Samson an industry leader in professional audio solutions known for their fidelity and reliability. As such, Samson invites you to take the incredible sound of Go Mic Direct, Samson's most portable and innovative USB microphone to date, to any environment.
Product Dimensions | ?4.5 x 1.2 x 4.5 inches |
Shipping Weight | ?1.6 ounces |
ASIN | ?B00I9RK97A |
Item model number | ?SAGOMICDIR |
[104美國直購] SensGard ZEM SG-31 Hearing Protection Device NRR 31dB 降噪 耳塞 耳罩 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
小牛球團日前才以一份10天短期合約簽下在發展聯盟打拚的菜鳥Yogi Ferrell,現在小牛可能會考慮要給他一份保障合約。Ferrell在31日攻下生涯新高19分,幫助小牛在主場以104比97擊敗衛冕軍騎士。
「我現在就好像在做夢一樣!」Ferrell賽後如此表示,Ferrell在第四節末段外線、切入連續進帳,幫助小牛取得全場最多17分領先,騎士隨後也將LeBron James、Kyrie Irving等主力換下,無力再和小牛周旋。
Harrison Barnes攻下小牛最高的24分,並抓下個人本季新高11季籃板,Wesley Matthews則有21分進帳。
騎士以James拿下23分9籃板9助攻最為出色,Irving則是攻下18分,至於「三巨頭」之一的Kevin Love此役仍舊因為背傷沒有出賽,根據騎士球團表示,Love的背部核磁共振檢查一切良好,但預計還得休養一陣子,下一場面對老東家灰狼的比賽Love依舊不會上場。
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